for a muslim family are usually provided with a small mosque both inside and outside the home. In addition to the worship activities shall aim for family, kerbat family, friends and guests that visit at the time of the prayer was able to use it.
You are capable of designing a space to fit both inside and outside the House. If you are designing a small mosque on the home page, you will get some benefits. The atmosphere of the space beyond which natural segara was able to show a moreconvenience when doing worship. Before we examine in more detail, the better wedescribe in advance why it took a small mosque in the House.
Design of a small mosque in the House often considered not too important when designing a planning houses make alias.

So when you guys like to pray at home finally ditempat-tempat that is inappropriate, such as in bed, a living room as well as dilain-lain. But if you guys were smart in planning the design model of the small mosque within the home are able to builtmesikipun in a very limited land.